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It’s our first anniversary

In our lives, there are moments when life confronts us with our greatest fears, placing us face-to-face with what we’ve always run from. In such moments, we can either give up and wallow in self-pity and distractions, OR we can finally get angry and stand up for ourselvesā€”telling ourselves that we might die, but this time, we will not back down.

About a year ago, I was in one of these moments. I sat on a rock in Goa, howling out the pain and sadness of existence. My body knew exactly what it was doing. I allowed my body the freedom to express itself, reaching deep into the core where hidden resentment, rage, and underlying sadness lay. I was an observer of this process, not identifying with it. Anyone watching from the outside might think I was going through a nightmare. Far from it. It was actually a very healing and, in a way, enjoyable process. I had been in this state for three months, and I slowly felt that what was flowing through me was finally fading. The sun was setting. I got up and began to descend from the rocks. Along the way, I met Saraswati. I had known her from fitness classes we attended together. We started talking. I recalled that she had mentioned she practiced voice therapy. I shared the method I was usingā€”it was a magical conversation.

The universe connected us that evening, scheming to bring these two together for some goodā€”it just needed to match us up. And so it beganā€¦ Today marks the anniversary since we became a couple. It has been the most beautiful year of my life.

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Voice Tantra

Community open to anyone who is ready to evolve to a higher consciousness through voice and sound.


India, South Goa ā€”
Canacona, SadolxemĀ  353

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