Your 7 Day Journey to Activate and Embody
Your Voice-Yoni Connection
Are you ready to embark on the journey to celebrate and reclaim your true feminine pleasure? Come and join a collective of women who are all re-writing the narrative around sex and sensuality to finally return REAL PLEASURE back to the femme!
Did you know that Your Voice is a gateway to higher pleasure?
Yes that's right Your Voice! Whether it's sighing to relax your nervous system, moaning and groaning in a sexual embrace or speaking up to express your desires or boundaries, your voice is there for you to help you embody and embrace your natural birthright to pleasure.
Yet so many women are blocked in their voices, which naturally leads to dissatisfaction in so many areas of life, including in the bedroom! Sound familiar?
In fact 46% of women reported not being sexually satisfied. *Reported by Psychology Today
The reality is, that if we as women are not empowered in our voices, we cannot be empowered in our sex lives. In the day and age where so many women are flaunting sexual liberation, don't you think it's time for us to own that FULL BODY YES? Don't we deserve to truly feel fabulous in our sexual relationships, and embrace our real feminine pleasure body, rather than living in the "mans" world...?
If your answer is yes, and you're ready for a change, then You're ready for the My Body My Pleasure Journey!
A 7 Day Journey to Help You Activate, Embrace and Embody Your Voice -Yoni Connection
This course is a unique online journey, designed to help you re-unite with and celebrate the power of your real feminine pleasure body. Over 7 days you will be guided through self-paced video lessons, vocal somatic exercises, self enquiry explorations, all culminating in a Feminine Pleasure Embodiment Ritual to help you anchor in everything you received on your journey.
Day 1 - Saying Yes to Yourself
We open with guidance on how to create your personal healing container so you can receive the most out of this journey, including:
- Opening meditation
- Intention setting
- Connect with the community!
Day 2 - Why Women Fake Orgasm
Drop into potent topics like how to:
- Stay embodied during sex.
- Stop unconsciously serving men in bed.
- Reclaim Feminine pleasure & orgasm.
+ Bonus:
Embodied Pleasure Meditation
Day 3 - Emotions, Intimacy and Sexuality
Learn to recognise how repressed emotions can affect your relationships, sex-life and sexual health, and receive practises to change the narrative!
- Somatic emotion release exercise
- Ancient Feminine release practice
Day 4 - The Voice-Yoni Connection
Female Sex-Ed unravelled!
Delve into the science, spirituality, energetics and anatomy of the voice-yoni connection.
Explore how to access real pleasure through relaxation of the Nervous System.
+ Bonus:
Vocal Vagus Nerve Massage
Day 5 - Hips Don't Lie
Activate your own Voice-Yoni connection with a series of energising and uplifting, hip-focused exercises which activate your sensuality and open your voice.
- Explore pleasure through play!
- Connect with your sexual energy and feminine magic!
Day 6 - What's "Weird"in Bed?
Breakthrough social stigmas around crying or making 'strange' sounds during sex - and recognise how they are actually helping you.
Learn how to embrace your authentic sexual sounds, to build deeper intimacy with your partner.
+ Bonus:
Pleasure Through Play Voice Activation Practise
Day 7 - Reclaiming Feminine Pleasure Ritual
We close the week with a beautiful, guided Feminine Empowerment Ritual to help you transmute and dissolve any societal blockages that are keeping you disempowered, and holding you back from your birthright to pleasure. Anchor in all the teachings from the course, so you can close your journey container knowing everything you learned has been received & you can celebrate the true beauty of being a woman.
Day 8 - Closing the Journey
Integration is always important. So on this last day we close the journey container with a closing meditation, final heart shares with the community, and you will receive an exciting invitation from the Women's Voice Medicine Collective!
My Body My Pleasure Women's Collective
As a collective, we are re-writing the narrative together!
Every day, we will be having potent conversations on our private My Body My Pleasure forum. We unravel topics like: "Why would a woman 'fake it' in the first place?", and "Is penetration sex really for pleasure, or just procreation?". Topics which will help you delve even deeper into your inner journey. Questions, conversations, stories, anecdotes and heart-shares are welcome in this space, together as a sisterhood we are going to grow!
As women, we are rising together to dismantle the patriarchal mindsets that may still be playing in us. We are saying NO to the separation culture, and YES to Unity Medicine! We know that together we are stronger, and our community forum will be exactly the place to delve into our juicy topics together.
And... It's By Donation!

Say whaaaat?!
YES I'm being serious!
I believe that every woman should have access to this feminine empowerment education. This is why I've made this course by donation, to make sure as many women as possible can receive these teachings. These are the lessons I wish I received when I was a teenager and all I wish is that any woman who wants to empower her life has access to resources to do so too. I truly hope this course can help you dance even more enjoyably through this magical life we live!
How Does It Work?
Register to the Course today for free!
Click on the enrolment link, enter code BODYLOVE and get started on your journey today!
Embark on your 7 day pleasure journey...
In your own space and time journey through each of the 7 modules to activate your own Voice-Yoni connection.
Pay what you feel at the end!
At the end of the 7 days you will be invited to contribute towards the course - Whatever feels right for you, with no obligation whatsoever!
Easy peasy lemon squeezy! :)
Ready to embark on your own Feminine Pleasure Journey?
Benefits of Embracing Feminine Pleasure
Incase you need a few more reasons, other than "because it feels good", as to why embracing authentic pleasure is a worthy pursuit... well, here you go!
Happiness and Satisfaction
When you allow your body to drop into real states of pleasure you will begin to experience more energy, vitality, confidence, creativity and joy in your life, alongside lots of other yummy things which make life worth living! Good stuff all round for you and your nearest and dearest!
Mental Health and Wellbeing
To feel real pleasure, you must be able to activate your Vagus Nerve and bring your system into the 'rest and digest state'. This state is paramount for relaxation and stress relief, and to help navigate mental health ailments like depression and anxiety. In short, feeling good in your body is important for your wellbeing!
Sexual and Physical Health
How many times have you had sex, and then not felt comfortable afterwards in your Yoni? When you embrace Feminine Pleasure you will learn how to listen to your body's own voice, and speak up for your needs and boundaries. Your body will always guide you to what is right for you, looking after your health first and foremost.
Authentic and Intimate Relationships
When you are able to move beyond shame and guilt conditioning and speak up for your own pleasure needs, and express your sexual desires, you open the way to conscious relating and more equality and intimacy in your relationships.
You will get instant access to the course from the moment you enrol. Lesson 1 is just a click away! So whenever you're ready you can jump into your My Body My Pleasure journey. We're excited that you're thinking of joining us! It is set to be a beautiful journey.
No. On this course, the lessons are all pre-recorded so you can go into your journey in your own space and time. There will be a community forum where we will be having daily discussions about topics on the course. You can be as involved in this as feels right for you!
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: I would encourage you to do your best to hold your 7 day container to ensure you make the most out of this process. The more time in-between lessons, the less potency it has. HOWEVER, that said, everyone has their own rhythm and schedule, and sometimes life gets busy. So if you can't complete it in 7 days its completely fine, the process will still work! You can hold your own container and all I can encourage is: Commit to finishing it, so you get the most out of this journey, and it's not just another unfinished online course! ;)
Once enrolled, you'll have access for 45 days. Plenty of time to complete the journey, and even re-watch your favourite lessons!
The recorded lessons take up to an hour each day. If you want to spend more time engaging in the community forum and self-exploration processes, you can do so in whatever way feels right for you.
Experiencing, celebrating and cherishing Real Feminine Pleasure is EVERY WOMAN'S birthright!
If you feel the call, come and join us. It's time for the Women's Pleasure Revolution!
Hi, I'm Saraswati!
In case you didn't know, I'm the creator of this course and co-founder of the the Voice Tantra Academy.
I'm a Vocal Somatic Coach and Singer, and working with Women's Empowerment is a huge passion of mine. For many years in my teens and early 20's I found myself in situations in which I felt disempowered because of my gender, the cultural 'norms' I saw playing out around me felt so unfair towards women. Growing up in England with an Indian upbringing, I experienced 2 very different cultures, yet weaving through the two was always some gender bias that favoured men. This irritated and enraged me, and at the same time inspired a motivating force into my Being.
After many years of deep self-exploration, travelling, spiritual studies and ceremonial work, always following the thread of feminine expression and embodiment, and then following some nice... and some not so nice sexual experiences, I saw one huge issue. What myself and many other women were still experiencing, even in so called "conscious" scenes, was a lack of Female power in social and sexual settings. We were still being subjected to male based thinking and submitting to the patriarchal mindset.
I couldn't take it anymore. Even though I began stepping out of this mind-set and feeling more and more empowered, I still saw many close women around me suffering from it. And this hurt. This is when I decided to fully dedicate myself to the path of Women's Empowerment work.
Throughout my years of working as a Woman's Voice Coach what has come to my attention is that our voices and our sexuality are intrinsically linked, and so to empower one is to empower the other, after I embodied this lesson, my life, my sexual experiences and my relationships changed for good!
The My Body My Pleasure course is my offering to support any woman who wishes to activate her own Voice-Yoni connection and bring back the power of Feminine Embodiment, to reclaim, celebrate and return home into real feminine pleasure. It's a way to say NO to the patriarchal mindset that may still be influencing your mind and your body choices, and it's a way to say HELL'S YES to feeling good in your divine Goddess given skin.
I believe that every woman should have access to this feminine empowerment education. This is why I've made this course by donation, to make sure as many women as possible can receive these teachings. These are the lessons I wish I received when I was a teenager and all I wish is that any woman who wants to empower her life has access to resources to do so too.
I truly hope that this new seedling project will bring meaning and nourishment into your life!
If you want to know more about the course, or me and my work in Women's Empowerment, please feel free to reach out. I would love to hear from you!
Until then, remember, My Body, My Pleasure!
Big Love From Saraswati Vanisha
Ready to Join the 7 Day My Body My Pleasure Course?
Reconnect with, reclaim and celebrate the best of what your mama gave you!